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Respir Med. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2024 Jul 2.
Published in final edited form as:
Respir Med. 2024 Jun; 227: 107641.
Published online 2024 May 6. doi:10.1016/j.rmed.2024.107641
PMCID: PMC11218872
PMID: 38710399
Javad Razjouyan,a,b,c,d Nicola A. Hanania,d Sara Nowakowski,a,b,c,d Ritwick Agrawal,d,e and Amir Sharafkhanehd,e,*
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Disturbed sleep in patients with COPD impact quality of life and predict adverse outcomes.
Research question:
To identify distinct phenotypic clusters of patients with COPD using objective sleep parameters and evaluate the associations between clusters and all-cause mortality to inform risk stratification.
Study design and methods:
A longitudinal observational cohort study using nationwide Veterans Health Administration data of patients with COPD investigated for sleep disorders. Sleep parameters were extracted from polysomnography physician interpretation using a validated natural language processing algorithm. We performed cluster analysis using an unsupervised machine learning algorithm (K-means) and examined the association between clusters and mortality using Cox regression analysis, adjusted for potential confounders, and visualized with Kaplan-Meier estimates.
Among 9992 patients with COPD and a clinically indicated baseline polysomnogram, we identified five distinct clusters based on age, comorbidity burden and sleep parameters. Overall mortality increased from 9.4 % to 42 % and short-term mortality (<5.3 years) ranged from 3.4 % to 24.3 % in Cluster 1 to 5. In Cluster 1 younger age, in 5 high comorbidity burden and in the other three clusters, total sleep time and sleep efficiency had significant associations with mortality.
We identified five distinct clinical clusters and highlighted the significant association between total sleep time and sleep efficiency on mortality. The identified clusters highlight the importance of objective sleep parameters in determining mortality risk and phenotypic characterization in this population.
Keywords: COPD, Sleep disorders, Phenotypes, Comorbidities
1. Introduction
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is a prevalent and preventable disease with a course that is often complicated by comorbidities, such as sleep disorders. Persistent symptoms of COPD are often associated with poor sleep quality [1,2]. Indeed, up to 78 % of patients with COPD report sleep disturbance which significantly impacts their quality of life [1–3]. Such sleep disturbances include problems initiating or maintaining sleep, increased sleep, reduced rapid eye movement (REM) sleep and frequent sleep stage shifts, sleep fragmentation and micro-arousals [4]. Considering that patients with COPD typically spend a third of their lives sleeping, deviations from healthy sleep patterns in this population may correlate to adverse long-term outcomes. A recent large-scale study investigating the links between sleep quality and COPD exacerbations revealed that poor sleep may indeed be a better predictor of exacerbation than a subject’s smoking history [5]. Furthermore, poor sleep has been associated with a 25 %–95 % increased risk of COPD exacerbation [6].
In the general population, abnormal objective polysomnographic metrics have been linked to poor long-term outcomes. For example, the Sleep Heart Health Study cohort demonstrated that alterations in polysomnography measures, such as total sleep time, were associated with a higher risk of various cardiovascular outcomes, including mortality [7, 8]. Moreover, a population-based cohort study in older men indicated that sleep fragmentation, a lower percentage of REM sleep, and severe reduction in blood oxygen saturation were independently associated with mortality [9]. Consequently, understanding the polysomnographic factors that impact long-term outcomes especially mortality in COPD, is crucial for developing effective management strategies and improving patient outcomes.
Studying big data related to sleep parameters provides valuable insights into the sleep health of patients in a real-world setting. However, existing studies are limited in terms of sensitivity and specificity as they used imprecise cohorting methods that relied strictly on International Classification of Diseases (ICD) coding to determine eligibility. To overcome these limitations, we developed and validated advanced data science modalities, including natural language processing, to enable us to achieve high precision, recall, and F-1 scores (>0.9) for specific objective sleep metrics [10]. This has allowed us to determine a comprehensive set of variables derived from physician report of a polysomnography with a high degree of precision.
To identify distinct clinically important phenotypic clusters of COPD patients based on the sleep parameters, we performed a longitudinal observational study spanning over 20 years among the U.S. Veterans population. Sleep parameters for this study were obtained by incorporating a comprehensive set of polysomnographic variables. Utilizing unsupervised modeling methods, we sought to identify patient clusters in an unbiased manner, without relying on pre-existing knowledge or assumptions. Furthermore, we evaluated the associations of identified phenotypic clusters with all-cause mortality, while accounting for potential confounding factors such as comorbidities, to better understand the prognostic implications of these COPD clusters in the real-world clinical setting. The identification of these sleep-related specific clusters may complement currently available disease assessment tools in improving the overall risk stratification and informing future targeted interventions for this vulnerable patient population.
2. Study Design and Methods
2.1. Study design and setting
This is a retrospective cohort study utilizing the national Veterans Health Administration (VHA) data from October 1999 to September 2020. The cohort included any veteran who used the VA healthcare system and had a record of any sleep problem based on the International Classification of Disease, 9th (ICD-9) edition or 10th (ICD-10). We then identified patients who had in-lab polysomnography (PSG) test and had confirmed Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) diagnosis in three years before or after index date of PSG test. This study only used sleep study reports from baseline polysomnogramtest and does not include split night or titration PSG tests or home sleep testing. We used an already validated definition for COPD diagnosis as a patient with two COPD ICD9/10 in a sliding window of 1-year with 30-day distance for outpatient encounter or one inpatient and one outpatient diagnosis [11]. The following ICD codes were used (ICD9: ‘491X’, ‘492X’,’496X’; ICD10: ‘J40X’, ‘J41X’, ‘J42X’, ‘J43X’, ‘J44X’). The study was approved by Baylor College of Medicine’s institutional review board (#H-35366) and Michael E. DeBakey Veteran Affairs medical center research and development committee.
2.2. Study variables
Sleep Parameters:
We used a validated natural language processing (NLP) algorithm to extract sleep parameters from PSG physician interpretation notes [10,12]. The performance of NLP was >0.90 for precision, recall, and F-1 score for total sleep time (TST), sleep onset latency (SOL), sleep efficiency (SE), wake after sleep onset (WASO), and apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) during the test phase. For Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS), we developed a separate validated NLP algorithm with performance >0.90 [12]. The sleep parameters reported both as continuous variable and dichotomized with clinically relevant cutoffs (TST≥300 min; SE ≥ 80 %; SOL≥ 8 & < 30 min; AHI<5, 5 to 15, 15 to 30, and ≥30; ESS ≥10).
The post PSG date overall mortality was gathered from the CDW VHA Vital Status table (sensitivity 98.3 % and specificity 99.8 % relative to National Death Index) similar to those reported in prior publications [13–15]. Mortality data was curated up to January 02, 2023. We measured time-to-death by subtracting the death datetime from the PSG datetime.
Other variables:
We collected patient demographics such as age (categorized to <40, 40–65, ≥65 year), sex, race (White, Black and Others), body mass index (BMI) (categorized as <18.5, 18.5–30, and ≥30), and Charlson Comorbidity Index (CCI). The CCI calculated inpatient and outpatient problems 1 year before the index date and dichotomized based CCI≥2 [16]. Age and CCI associate with mortality in patients with COPD [17].
2.3. Statistical analysis
Cluster Analysis:
We used unsupervised clustering techniques to grouped patients into clusters based on TST, SE, age, and CCI variables. We performed clustering using unsupervised machine learning algorithm, i.e., K-means with Euclidean distance (R-package stats, v 3.6.2). We determined the optimal number of clusters based on the elbow method, e-Fig. 2 [18].
After establishing optimal number of clusters, we sorted the clusters based on the mortality rate from low to high. We compared demographic and clinical characteristics as well as mortality and time to death. The differences between clusters were tested using analysis of variance for continuous variables and Chi-squared tests for binary variables. We depicted a spider plot based on the clustering factors (TST, SE, Age, & CCI). To better represent the variables in the spider plot, we recalculate the parameters as follows: TST/10 min, SE/2, 100-age, & (7-CCI) ×10. To better understand the association between clusters and mortality, we performed a Cox regression analysis and reported the hazard ratio (HR) and 95 percentage confidence intervals (R-package epiDisplay, v3.5.0.2). We adjusted the results with possible confounders such as age, BMI, sex, and race. To better visualized the survival distributions of clusters, we used Kaplan-Meier estimates (R-package survival & survminer). We performed a non-parametric supervised learning algorithm using decision tree. In this method, the dependent variable was the labels of clusters. The TST, SE, CCI, and age considered as independent variables. Then, a decision tree was applied. The decision tree performed both classification and regression simultaneously. We pruned the tree to reduce the complexity of the final classifier and remove the non-critical and redundant sections that do not provide power to classify instances (R-package ‘party’).
3. Results
Among 4,237,444 users of sleep services, 82,782 had baseline PSGs with CPT codes of 95810 (Fig. 1). Of those, we identified 10,447 patients with a COPD diagnosis within the three years of index PSG. From these, 455 patients were excluded based on the judgment of board-certified sleep specialists (AS and RA) to have very unrealistic high total sleep time with a very low sleep efficiency, e-Fig. 1. Thus, the analysis reported in this work is based on data from 9992 patients with COPD and a baseline PSG.
Fig. 1.
Strobe diagram for curating cohort of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
We identified five clusters (e-Fig. 2). Table 1 shows the demographic characteristics on all the study subjects and in patients within each of the five clusters. The two clusters with the lowest and highest mortality differed from the other three clusters on two significant variables. Cluster 1 included distinctly and significantly younger patients than other clusters. Cluster 5 included patients who had higher comorbidity burden as identified by a markedly higher CCI of 5.5. Further, Cluster 1 had higher proportion of female veterans compared to other clusters. Cluster 1 and 5 had higher proportions of Black veterans compared to the other three clusters. Clusters 2, 3, and 4 had very similar demographic characteristics but distinct sleep parameters.
Table 1
Demographics and sleep characteristics of patients with in-lab polysomnography (PSG) and COPD diagnosis.
Parameters | all | Cluster 1 | Cluster 2 | Cluster 3 | Cluster 4 | Cluster 5 | p-Value |
N | 9992 | 1969 | 3361 | 2468 | 1078 | 1116 | |
Age, mean(SD) | 60.0(11.6) | 43.1(7.9) | 63.7(6.7) | 63.5(8.6) | 65.6(10.0) | 65.6(8.6) | <0.001 |
Age <40, N(%) | 656(6.6) | 625(31.7) | 0(0.0) | 11(0.4) | 18(1.7) | 2(0.2) | <0.001 |
Age 40–65, n (%) | 5634(56.4) | 1344(68.3) | 1979(58.9) | 1362(55.2) | 447(41.5) | 502(45.0) | <0.001 |
Age ≥65, n (%) | 3702(37.0) | 0(0.0) | 1382(41.1) | 1095(44.4) | 613(56.9) | 612(54.8) | <0.001 |
Sex, male, n (%) | 8798(88.1) | 1480(75.2) | 2979(88.6) | 2260(91.6) | 1025(95.1) | 1054(94.4) | <0.001 |
Race, n (%) | <0.001 | ||||||
White | 7505(75.1) | 1348(68.5) | 2577(76.7) | 1922(77.9) | 864(80.1) | 794(71.1) | |
Black | 1932(19.3) | 482(24.5) | 593(17.6) | 429(17.4) | 165(15.3) | 263(23.6) | |
Others | 555(5.6) | 139(7.1) | 191(5.7) | 117(4.7) | 49(4.5) | 59(5.3) | |
BMI, mean (SD) | 30.0(6.1) | 31.0(6.2) | 29.3(5.6) | 30.1(6.3) | 30.4(6.5) | 30.4(6.3) | 0.688 |
BMI <18.5, n (%) | 130(1.3) | 11(0.6) | 48(1.4) | 46(1.9) | 12(1.1) | 13(1.2) | 0.004 |
BMI 18.5–30, n (%) | 5255(1.3) | 952(0.6) | 1912(1.4) | 1283(1.9) | 548(1.1) | 560(1.2) | <0.001 |
BMI ≥30, n (%) | 4607(46.1) | 1006(51.1) | 1401(41.7) | 1139(46.2) | 518(48.1) | 543(48.7) | <0.001 |
CCI, mean (SD) | 1.8(1.8) | 0.8(0.8) | 1.4(0.9) | 1.4(0.9) | 2.1(1.6) | 5.5(1.9) | <0.001 |
CCI ≥2, n (%) | 4177(41.8) | 233(11.8) | 1317(39.2) | 926(37.5) | 585(54.3) | 1116(100.0) | <0.001 |
Open in a separate window
SD = Standard Deviation, BMI = Body Mass Index, CCI = Charlson comorbidity index.
Table 2 shows the sleep parameters extracted from the physician reports of baseline sleep studies of the participants. Cluster 1 showed the longest TST, highest SE, and shortest SOL and WASO. Compared to Cluster 1, TST and SE diminished and SOL and WASO increased in clusters 2–5. Percent of subjects with AHI of five or higher slightly increased from cluster 1 to five (p-value <0.0001). Similarly, the prevalence of moderate or severe sleep apnea significantly increased moving from Cluster 1 to the other clusters. E-Table 1 provides demographic data comparing the subjects who died during the study follow-up to those who remained alive. Those who died were older, more likely to be White males, had higher proportion of BMI less than 18.5, and had higher comorbidity burden. E-Table 2 provides sleep parameters comparing the subjects who died during the study follow up compared to those who remained alive. Subjects who died had more abnormal sleep parameters including shorter TST and SE. SOL and WASO did not differ between the two groups. A higher percentage of patients who remained alive had TST >300 min (54.8 %) compared to those who died (42.3 %). The same significant trend was observed for SE > 80 % (alive, 44.4 %; dead, 33.6 %), SOL 8–30 min (alive, 30.0 %; dead, 28.5 %). We didn’t observe significant differences in percent of participants with mild, moderate, and severe AHI between the alive and dead groups (p values > 0.05).
Table 2
Sleep parameters and mortality outcomes in subset of subjects.
Cluster 1 | Cluster 2 | Cluster 3 | Cluster 4 | Cluster 5 | p-Value | |
N | 1969 | 3361 | 2468 | 1078 | 1116 | |
Total Sleep Time, mean (SD) | 345.0(69.5) | 346.8(46.6) | 203.2(76.0) | 98.5(51.2) | 294.5(85.4) | <0.001 |
≥ 300 min, n (%) | 1559(79.2) | 2895(86.1) | 56(2.3) | 0(0.0) | 609(54.6) | <0.001 |
Sleep Efficiency, mean (SD) | 83.8(10.1) | 82.1(7.9) | 63.5(12.0) | 28.8(12.1) | 74.3(14.1) | <0.001 |
≥ 80 %, n (%) | 1390(70.6) | 2020(60.1) | 269(10.9) | 0(0.0) | 448(40.1) | <0.001 |
Sleep Onset Latency, mean (SD) | 32.7(51.3) | 29.1(48.5) | 43.5(49.6) | 65.4(69.8) | 32.3(44.0) | <0.001 |
8–30 min, n (%) | 620(31.5) | 1118(33.3) | 687(27.8) | 210(19.5) | 321(28.8) | <0.001 |
Wake After Sleep Onset, mean (SD) | 38.6(41.3) | 45.7(37.8) | 80.4(64.0) | 117.5(97.5) | 59.1(53.4) | <0.001 |
Apnea- Hypopnea Index (AHI), mean (SD) | 5.1(9.4) | 6.9(12.1) | 7.5(13.6) | 10.5(18.7) | 8.1(14.7) | <0.001 |
Mild SA (AHI ≥5 and < 15) n (%) | 324(16.5) | 633(18.8) | 443(17.9) | 163(15.1) | 215(19.3) | <0.001 |
Moderate SA (AHI ≥15 and < 30) n (%) | 76(3.9) | 215(6.4) | 153(6.2) | 88(8.2) | 67(6.0) | <0.001 |
Severe SA (AHI ≥30) n (%) | 40(2.0) | 127 (3.8) | 126(5.1) | 96(8.9) | 61(5.5) | <0.001 |
Epworth Sleepiness Scale ≥ 10, n (%) | 597(30.3) | 807(24.0) | 481(19.5) | 174(16.1) | 247(22.1) | <0.001 |
Open in a separate window
SD = Standard Deviation, SA = Sleep Apnea.
Overall mortality (mortality anytime during the study period) and short term (≤5.3 year) mortality increased incrementally and significantly moving from Cluster 1 to Cluster 5. The overall mortality ranged from 9.4 % in Cluster 1–42 % in Cluster 5. The short-term mortality ranged from 3.4 % in Cluster 1–24.3 % in Cluster 5. Fig. 2 depicts the time to death in the five clusters. Time to death diverged consistently during the follow up period. Using Cluster 1 as the reference, adjusted odds ratio (for age, BMI, sex, race and CCI) were 3.42 (2.9–4.0), 4.03 (3.4–4.7), 5.15 (4,3–6.1) and 5.75 (4.8–6.8) for Clusters 2, 3, 4, and 5 respectively (Fig. 2)
Fig. 2.
Kaplan-Meier curves for mortality for five clusters. Cluster 1 which was the youngest group had the lowest mortality. Cluster 5 which was the patient with multiple comorbid conditions had highest mortality. The overall p-value was <0.05.
To further understand the relationship among the four determinants of longevity (age, CCI, TST and SE), we created three-dimensional graphs. E-Fig. 3A explores the relationship of age, TST and SE in the five clusters. Cluster 1 (green) clearly differs from the other clusters because of younger age while has similar sleep related parameters and comorbidity burden as Cluster 2 (blue). Cluster 2 has similar age to clusters 3 (orange) and 4 (gray) with longevity advantage aligned with more favorable sleep parameters. Cluster 5 (red) shows a more dispersed sleep parameters’ values and does not conform to the other three clusters with similar age distribution. E-Fig. 3B depicts the relationship among the comorbidity burden and sleep parameters as it relates to the clusters. In Cluster 5 (red), with a high comorbidity burden, sleep data is scattered while the clusters 2–4 gather tightly along the sleep parameters.
Fig. 3 displays the contribution of the four main factors including age, CCI, TST and SE on longevity. To enhance the pictorial presentation and the figure’s simplicity, we scaled TST (in minutes) by dividing to 10 and SE dividing by two. We used 100-Age in place of age so the younger age in our figure will be presented by a higher number. CCI maximum in our subjects was 7. Thus, we used the equation of (7-CCI) *10 as a higher number indicating a lower comorbidity burden. With these conversions in mind, the area of each quadrangle indicates the overall longevity and the factors mainly contributing to the longevity in each cluster. Cluster 1 has the largest area and thus the best longevity while the Cluster 5 has the smallest area and hence the lowest longevity. In contrast to Cluster 1, the driver of lower longevity in Cluster 2, 3 and 4 are TST and SE, while for Cluster 5 comorbidity burden plays the main role in lower longevity.
Fig. 3.
Diamond of longevity. In this figure we illustrated the association between longevity and sleep parameters, i.e., total sleep parameters (TST), sleep efficiency (SE), age and Charlson commodity index (CC). To better visualized the factors and put them in the same direction (the higher the better), we divided the TST by 10 min, SE by two, 100-age and (7-CCI) × 10. The higher area of diamond (bigger diamond), the higher the probability of survival.
Our data clearly identified two clusters that reflect the major determinants of mortality: age (Cluster 1) and comorbidity burden (Cluster 5). To determine phenotypes based on sleep characteristics, we therefore used the data from clusters 2, 3 and 4 to generate a decision tree. Fig. 4 shows the output of the decision tree using the cluster 2, 3 and 4. The entry point for the phenotypic characterization is total sleep time. The decision tree identified a TST threshold of ≥278 min to create the subtypes. The decision tree used the SE to further identify phenotypes. For example, patients with high TST and high sleep efficiency cluster to patients with COPD and favorable longevity profile. While patients with low TST and low SE have more shortened longevity. Interestingly the group with only reduced TST or reduced SE fit into the middle cluster with longevity profile between clusters 2 and 4.
Fig. 4.
Decision Tree analysis of distinct phenotypic clusters. Tree analysis. Using five variables (total sleep time [TST], sleep efficiency [SE], age, and Charlson comorbidity index [CCI]), patients can be assigned to the five clusters that range from low mortality (Cluster 1) to high mortality (Cluster 5).
4. Discussion
Our study represents the first application of unsupervised machine learning to investigate a comprehensive set of objective sleep parameters extracted from physician interpretation notes, age, and comorbidity burden (CCI) to identify distinct COPD phenotypic clusters. By utilizing the largest dataset of clinical polysomnograms performed on patients with a concomitant clinical diagnosis of COPD, our data suggests significant effects of total sleep time and sleep efficiency on mortality differences within this population. Notably, the machine learning-derived clusters aligned with clinical intuition, thereby supporting the validity of our methodology.
We observed that the cluster with the lowest risk of mortality encompassed the youngest patients with the least burden of comorbidities (Cluster 1) and better sleep parameters, while the cluster with the highest risk of mortality included older patients with the highest comorbidity burden (Cluster 5). Although the findings in these two clusters were expected, the remaining three clusters (2, 3, and 4) demonstrated that sleep parameters were useful in determining mortality risk (both short term and overall mortality). These three clusters likely represent most patients encountered in clinical practice, making them particularly informative in a clinical context. Both sleep quantity, as measured by total sleep time (TST), and sleep continuity measure, represented by sleep efficiency (SE), predicted short-term and overall mortality in this cohort of patients with COPD. Specifically, our decision tree analysis revealed that a total sleep time cutoff of ≥278 min (normal recommendations of 420–540 min of total sleep time per night) and a sleep efficiency cutoff of ≥43 % were crucial variables differentiating between these three clusters. Our findings suggest that these vital sleep parameters may have significant clinical implications and contribute further to the phenotypic characterization of COPD.
In our study, we highlight the significant influence of sleep quality and duration on the longevity of patients with COPD. Our decision tree analysis demonstrated that patients who slept for over 278 min experienced improved longevity. Consistently, another study from the Women’s Health Initiative indicated that shorter total sleep time (TST) predicts reduced longevity [19]. However, the relationship between inadequate sleep duration and COPD is bidirectional, as each condition may exacerbate the other. Patients with COPD frequently experience symptoms such as coughing, wheezing, and dyspnea, which can hinder their ability to fall asleep or maintain sleep. Moreover, many patients suffer from anxiety and/or depression and often use medications with stimulating effects, all of which are known risk factors for decreased sleep duration [20,21]. Sleep continuity measure, on the other hand, is evaluated by sleep efficiency (SE), which measures the proportion of time spent in bed that is dedicated to sleep. For adults undergoing attended sleep studies, normal sleep efficiency typically falls within the range of 80–90 % [22]. In line with this, our findings suggest that poor sleep continuity measure, as indicated by reduced SE of <43 %, is associated with an increased risk of mortality.
There are other factors that contribute to poor sleep continuity measure in COPD patients. Nocturnal hypoxemia is seen in 27–70 % of patients [23]. Nocturnal hypoxemia can disrupt sleep architecture, leading to reduced total sleep time, sleep efficiency, and REM sleep, as well as increased arousal index and sleep fragmentation [24]. Furthermore, restless leg syndrome (RLS) in patients with COPD, with rates up to 36 % [25]. RLS can contribute to sleep disruption and reduced sleep quality. COPD and obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) can often coexist in a phenomenon known as “overlap syndrome” which leads to worsened nocturnal hypoxia, hypercapnia, and more severe sleep disturbances [26]. CODP related symptoms clearly and robustly associate with poor sleep. Thus, lack of COPD optimal management may result in disturbed sleep due to nocturnal symptoms. Several physiological changes in sleep may worsen respiratory function at night and thus not only disturb sleep but also have nighttime adverse consequences like nocturnal increased risk of death or exacerbation [27–29]. It is important to note that among various sleep medicine metrics in our study, only total sleep time and sleep efficiency were of high predictive value towards clustering. Due to poor quality of sleep, patients report daytime excessive daytime sleepiness and fatigue, which can exacerbate COPD symptoms [30]. Apnea hypopnea index (AHI), the clinical marker for obstructive sleep apnea did not turn out to be an important predictor.
The strengths of our study are underpinned by its rigorous methodology, robust dataset, and comprehensive statistical analysis. With a sample of veterans that was longitudinally followed up for over two decades, our study encompassed a large and diverse population of patients with sleep problems and confirmed COPD diagnoses. We utilized a validated natural language processing (NLP) algorithm for accurate data extraction and an unsupervised machine learning algorithm, K-means clustering, to identify distinct phenotypic clusters. The elbow method minimized subjectivity in cluster selection, while Cox regression analysis adjusted for potential confounders, and Kaplan-Meier estimates strengthened the validity of our findings. Our study also considered relevant demographic and clinical variables, providing a comprehensive understanding of the impact of these factors on the study outcomes. Lastly, the non-parametric supervised learning algorithm with decision tree analysis further reinforced the reliability of our findings, given the extended longitudinal follow-up period.
While the study adds to the literature in meaningful ways, it also has limitations. Inherent to studies using dataset, a diagnosis made by automated measures is often less accurate than a clinical chart review. Furthermore, granular details such as the role of duration and adherence of therapeutic interventions such as cognitive behavioral therapy, medication, CPAP therapy and confounders such as history of smoking, and ejection fraction were not determined. Objective sleep parameters measured in a laboratory may differ significantly from those during a night of sleep at home. In addition, data extracted from one night of sleep may not represent a valid evaluation of sleep quality and quantity over an extended period. Many patients with more severe forms of OSA are diagnosed through split night PSG (baseline and titration done on the same night) or home sleep testing. Use of only baseline PSG in our study may have affected the AHI relationship in our analysis. Unmeasured confounders also potentially played a role and were not measured in this study. The male predominant veteran dataset also limits generalizability to the population. Several other clinically relevant variables such as respiratory distress index, pulmonary functions, oxygen saturation, carbon dioxide levels and frequency of exacerbation were not included in this study due to methodological limitations. Because of the observational nature of our analysis, our results will need to be validated using other cohorts. In addition, while we have demonstrated the importance of sleep parameters in determining mortality in our cohort, it remains unclear whether the lower TST and SE should be considered sleep biomarkers associated with increased mortality or whether they indeed have a direct causal relationship contributing to increased mortality.
If confirmed, our findings may have significant implications. GOLD therapeutic approach proposes utilizing a comprehensive evaluation that considers a person’s symptoms and risk of exacerbation as a basis for pharmacologic treatment guidance [1]. We propose that information related to total sleep time and sleep efficiency may complement a COPD patient’s risk stratification. With the widespread availability of high-tech wearable tools such as smart watches, the clinical incorporation of sleep parameters is within easy reach. Less resource intensive methods such as a sleep diary can also provide a good insight into a patient’s sleep.
In conclusion, our study utilized unsupervised machine learning to identify distinct COPD phenotypic clusters, highlighting the significant impact of total sleep time and sleep efficiency on mortality differences in this population. Despite its limitations, our findings suggest potential clinical implications for COPD phenotypic characterization and could inform future studies on incorporating sleep parameters into risk stratification.
Supplementary Material
supplement materials
Click here to view.(659K, pdf)
The study was supported by seed funding from Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas, United States, the Center for Innovations in Quality, Effectiveness and Safety (CIN 13-413), Michael E. DeBakey VA Medical Center, Houston, TX, United states and a national institute of health (NIH), National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) K25 funding (#:1K25HL152006-01), VA Clinical Science Research & Development (IK2 CX001981), and Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning Consortium to Advance Health Equity and Researcher Diversity (AIM-AHEAD) funding (OD032581-01S1).
Abbreviations list
AHI | Apnea-Hypopnea Index |
BMI | Body Mass Index |
CDW | Corporate Data Warehouse |
CCI | Charlson Comorbidity Index |
COPD | Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease |
CPT | Current Procedural Terminalogy |
ESS | Epworth Sleepiness Scale |
GOLD | Global Initiative for Obstructive Lung Disease |
HR | Hazard Ratio |
ICD | International Classification of Diseases |
IQR | Interquartile Range |
NLP | Natural Language Processing |
PSG | Polysomnogram |
RLS | Restless Leg Syndrome |
SOL | Sleep Onset Latency |
SE | Sleep Efficiency |
TST | Total sleep time |
VHA | Veteran Health Administration |
WASO | Wake After Sleep Onset |
Declaration of competing interest
None of the authors disclose any financial or personal relationship with other people or organizations that could inappropriately influence this work.
CRediT authorship contribution statement
Javad Razjouyan: Writing – review & editing, Visualization, Supervision, Software, Methodology, Formal analysis, Data curation. Nicola A. Hanania: Writing – review & editing, Writing – original draft, Methodology. Sara Nowakowski: Writing – review & editing. Ritwick Agrawal: Writing – review & editing, Writing – original draft, Visualization, Conceptualization. Amir Sharafkhaneh: Writing – review & editing, Writing – original draft, Visualization, Validation, Supervision, Project administration, Conceptualization.
Appendix A. Supplementary data
Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rmed.2024.107641.
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