Judy Byington - Saturday. 03 August. 2024 - Dinar Detectives - Iraqi Dinar Recaps from Dinar Guru and Intel (2024)

Note: All intel should be considered as “Rumors” until we receive official announcements …and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Saturday. 03 August. 2024

Compiled Saturday. 03 August. 202412:01 am ESTby Judy Byington

On Fri. 2 Aug. 2024
All Financial Markets Were Crashing
US Officially Declared To Be In A Recession

Worldwide EBS Activation and Internet Down on Tues. 6 Aug. 2024.

It’s advised to take your money out of the bank and have a supply of food, water, cash, medicine and essential items on hand for yourself, your family and to share with others.

“Don’t Look Back. You’re Not Going That Way.”

Judy Note:On Fri. 2 Aug. 2024 the Iran-Israeli World War III broke out, withall Financial Markets Worldwide ready to crash. The dramatic Event called for a Worldwide activation of the Emergency Broadcast System and pulling the Internet down, which was now set forTues. 6 Aug. 2024.

Both the White Hats and Deep Statewanted the economy to crash and Internet killed so they could implement their very own and vastly different financial systems.

  • Fri. 2 Aug. 2024: Tonight is the Great Reset!Get ready, the first arrest has been made. Should the lights go out, please know that we are in control. Do not panic. We are prepared and assets are in place. …Secret Files Exposed on TelegramFri. 2 Aug. 2024

Global Currency Reset:

Fri. 2 Aug 2024 Wolverine, Charlie Ward: “I’ve had multiple confirmations everything in Israel, Iran & Venezuela is already done & settled. Now @charliewardshow confirms it too. …the RV has started in general. We are going to have a beautiful week. Get ready. Any day I’ll get that call and then you won’t hear from me anymore. ”

Fri. 2 Aug. 2024 Texas Snake:“Well folks never have suggested dates or rates but I am really looking forward to this weekend. GOD Bless everyone.”

Fri. 2 Aug. 2024 TNT:

  • On Wed. 31 Julythey were on High Alert. They are still on High Alert. Someone said between now and Sunday.
  • The Wealth Managers say up to Tues., but they are scheduled to work this Sunday.
  • All ratesare on screen. Everyone is educated.
  • The bankshave been notified they will be working the weekend.

Fri. 2 Aug. 2024 Mike Baraba UPDATE: “Here is the situation as I understand it. “They” are still processing German historic bonds. They are finding many fakes. They have a quota to meet for “real” authentic German bonds before they can move onto the Chinese (Dragon) bonds. “They” (UST) expect that threshold to be reached sometime this weekend. Once “They” move to Dragon bond payouts, that’s when the “bondholder” should receive his commission. That’s when we’re on, because my understanding is that is the “end” of Tier 3 and Tier 4a. None of this is connected to the revaluation of the Iraqi Dinar, which could still happen anytime. UST is said to want that to happen imminently. The Cabal is broke and needs the influx of funds from Tier 4 to continue the war. But the reality is the war is all but over. I suggest you think of this in terms of World War II. It’s late 1944. The Battle of the Bulge (Trump assassination attempt) has just failed. The Germans have been driven back to the Rhine, and it’s only a matter of time before Patton gets across and finishes the job. TNT Tony’s 48-hour window has passed. Let’s see if he has any new or corroborating information on his call today. That’s where we’re at. At least as far as I can tell.” — Mike

Fri. 2 Aug. 2024 Wolverine:

  • Exciting times are here.Looks like the RV has arrived! I got a call from a close friend reporting that he is ready to travel to Renonext week.It is all happening. Like Elizabeth said – the trigger has started for the 1% and it looks like it is happening, and you heard that from Dallas, who agreed with my intel as well. Remain firm. The notifications for Tier4B will be coming through – I will NOT mention a date, but we are just that close for the notifications of currency. Bond holders are already receiving their notifications.
  • This is it guys.It will be emotional for all of you. I received a call about Precatorious and they are ready to release this, and it will happen about Monday. It is a process.
  • I can share an Intel that came through before I went to bed.This is translated from Portuguese to English. Translation is not the best: “Good evening, friends -today, Wednesday, (intel comes two days late) all operations were carried out from 1300 hours they called us to receive…perhaps they did not reach you at the time of this Thursday. On Friday afternoon, everything is over for all of us – Now we only have to thank all mighty God and make our plans. Thank you for the trust you had in me. Yours sincerely, The Manager.”
  • “Second reason, Yesterday, the world bank freed Brazil by certifying it with ISO2022.Today they made the alignments and synchronizations between the Brazilian Banks, and tomorrow, it will rain in the Garden. (I hope this really happens). According to the informant, tomorrow, we will have money, because one of the reasons is that _______ is to work for the population. “
  • Another one came through:“Good morning my friends and fellow travelers of this long journey: It is with great joy that I bring you definite information about the institution. Everything that had to be done yesterday was successfully completed, thanks to the unity of all of us – the last _____ was resolved. I am transmitting what the institution gave me. There is no longer any impediment. The release has occurred! All that remains is that we wait for a concrete payment to resolve our personal situation. Let us not be sad…on the contrary – tomorrow it is still a working day, and it could happen – Our God is in control.
  • Three hours ago – I received this:I am told someone very high up in the “food chain” flew into Reno last night! Flying with someone who would sign the release. A buyer reported that his contacts had assured him that things have started now. Some say it might be Michael Rubin. On the topic we are all interested in, the latest I am hearing is that final contracts finally be published, or issued, as of today, and tomorrow. Then, if we are lucky, the first payment advances will be available to seller’s priority contract holders on August 1st. Other phases or levels of RV rescue programs should follow quickly. So we wait.
  • Two of my partners were told that Thursdayis the departure in the USA.
  • Today we received notifications from the Bank of Brazil, here in Brazil. Yesterday, M ________ had to pay for the operations of DM, and _________ (could not make out the names of the other people) These are two Huge whales in Brazil. It must be confirmed today. Remember, these payments cannot be made tomorrow until 11 PM. The message is from Dr .Miguel who is actually a well-known, huge whale in Brazil.
  • I received all this last night– It is all coming through. A contact a very close friend of mine, received a call saying he has to be in Reno on Tuesday. It is definitely happening.

Sat. 3 Aug. morning 3:30 am (in Australia) Wolverine:“I just got some great news. The greatest transfer of wealth in the history of the World is about to start. I have wonderful news for the call (at 8pm EST).”

  • Fri. 2 Aug. 2024 Wolverine “It’s all looking good guys.I’m very confident that it will come outtomorrow, your Saturday 3 Aug.”
  • Thurs. 1 Aug. Live Chat Wolverine: “We had a great live call yesterday, close to an hour.Hope you enjoyed the info Elizabeth provided to you. She said she is M1. Remember Indiana Jones, the bloodline, the people who guarded the Holy Grail…the chalice. All those people were guarding the grail. So Elizabeth has the keys and hopefully she can open up the vault for us – which is the Rodriguez trust account. (Please REVIEW THE RECORDING for the extensive explanation of this).
  • Concerning Venezuela,there are people making up false assumptions saying this is all part of a movie that happened in2017,they edited some videos, just showing old re-hashed videos. Complete nonsense. But what is troublesome is that people believe this. They think they know it all to attract audiences to use for their products.
  • I have friends in Venezuela,in the Chosen room and Latino room. These people are the ones sending me these videos asking me to let the world know. One guy said he is having enough, he is walking to the border, escaping, called me choking with crying on the phone. He is desperate as his family has no future there at all. Soon as I receive the blessing, I want to do something for those people suffering under a brutal dictatorship.
  • The IntelI provided to you yesterday looks like it is true. According to all the Intel that came through yesterdayWed. 31 July 2024.
  • This morning about 4 ammore Intel came through: According to the informant, we will have moneytomorrow Fri. 2 Aug,because one of the reasons is that ______ is starting to work for the population. I had that confirmed by some of the owners of different platforms and it is true.
  • And the second one says another reason why yesterday (must be the day before), the World Bank freed Brazil, certifying with ISO 2022 today, that carried out alignment and synchronization between Brazilian banks, and tomorrow is going to rain – money money – money – get ready everyone!
  • The Precatoroius is all under NDA. Getting ready to release funds to the people. Yesterday, I was told it was released, but now it is released to the owners, and they are training people to release funds. I think it will be done by digital wallet, so people can get money asap.
  • In Reno, I heard, again, yesterday Wed. 31 July that Reno has started.People say it is BS because they have not heard anything from “their Whale.” I have heard that some platforms received their blessing from various sources, with 1% liberated.
  • It is frustrating as I have not received payment or notifications from my Whale.I am sure the notifications are probably hours or days away from my whale, but I do not know. But this is what I heard, and please remember I am just the messenger. This is what I receive and hear from the owners of the platforms, as well.
  • The Asian country is all silent!I have heard nothing. They said they were liquid and spendable. I tried to contact them, and they are not answering, so I hope to get news on that. They may be under NDA.
  • Not much news now.All is so very quiet. I was able to hunt this down.
  • The Med Beds are ready.A huge Whale in Columbia was told by US Treasury, saying Med Beds are ready. Hopefully by grace of God we will get through this.
  • I am hoping in a few hoursto get the news we have been waiting for!
  • ADDENDUM FROM A VOICE RECORDING at 9:41 PM EST in The Chosen Room:“We are close to being free now, the funds are getting liberated. People are under NDA. I know you have not heard of it, but it is happening – 1000% it is happening. Just wait your turn. You will receive a notification. And, by the Grace of God, praying today, that we actually get the miracle call I have been waiting for so long.”
  • “I KNOW I have said this many times, but I will soon be leaving.I just spoke with the person I needed to speak with, and they said it is all moving ahead, and they are getting ready to call me soon that I need to leave. I must do something important, and I cannot tell you due to confidentiality…but you will not hear from me again on these channels regarding RV Intel. When it comes through, all you will hear is the Opera. I will then see all of you at the big get together in Sydney. I would like to see each of you and hope all of you can attend so I can give each of you a big hug. I have something special for each of you and you will be able to see the beautiful country of Australia. Take care everyone, Wolverine.”

Fri. 2 Aug. 2024 100 T Zim Bond Secret, Dave XRP Lion:https://beforeitsnews.com/prophecy/2024/08/dave-xrplion-100t-trillion-dollar-zim-bond-dirty-little-secret-just-got-exposed-must-watch-trump-news-2554120.html

Global Financial Crisis:

  • Fri. 2 Aug. 2024:Nearly $3 trillion has been eliminated from major indices and stocks this morning due to escalating fears of a global recession. This marks the most severe day for stocks since March 16, 2020, amid the height of COVID-19 pandemic concerns. Today’s Unemployment Rate reading of 4.3% has officially triggered the Sahm Rule, indicating that we have already entered a recession.
  • Fri. 2 Aug. 2024 Dallas Texas:Banks stocks today were taking a pounding, just checked my list of almost 50 banks and they are all down. The BIG RED WAVE IS COMING TODAY. …Ginger’s Liberty Lounge on Telegram

Japan as the Linchpin To Crash The Market:

  • Yen Carry Trade:Japan has been offering very low interest rates for a long time. Investors borrow money in Japan (Yen) at these low rates and invest it in other countries where they can get higher returns. This is known as the Yen carry trade.
  • Inflation and Interest Rates:Recently, Japan has been facing inflation, which means the prices of goods and services are going up. To combat inflation, the Bank of Japan (BOJ) might decide to raise interest rates.
  • Impact on Carry Trade:If the BOJ raises interest rates, it becomes more expensive for investors to borrow money in Japan. This could lead to a situation where investors start selling their investments in other countries to pay back their loans in Japan.

How This Collapses the Market

  • Short Squeeze:When investors start selling their investments to pay back their loans, it can cause a short squeeze. This means that the value of the Yen starts to rise quickly because there’s a sudden demand for it.
  • Global Margin Call:The sudden selling of investments can lead to a global margin call. This is like a chain reaction where one investor selling causes others to sell, leading to a widespread sell-off in the markets.
  • Flight to Safety:In times of market uncertainty, investors often move their money into safer assets like U.S. Treasuries, gold, and the U.S. dollar. This can cause these assets to rise in value while riskier assets like stocks fall.
  • Economic Impact:The sell-off in the markets can have a ripple effect on the global economy. Companies may struggle to raise capital, consumer confidence may drop, and economic growth could slow down.


  • Japan is the linchpinbecause its actions can set off a chain reaction in the global financial markets.
  • If the BOJ raises interest ratesto combat inflation, it could lead to a short squeeze in the Yen, causing investors to sell their investments in other countries.
  • This sell-off could trigger a global margin call, leading to a collapse in the markets as investors rush to safer assets. The economic impact of such a collapse could be significant, affecting companies, consumers, and overall economic growth.

Fri. 2 Aug. 2024 Market Crash:

  • There will be a liquidity and credit crisisas banks and online payment systems are about to suffer a huge outage in Europe and the United States. There are already talks of a liquidity and credit crisis happening in inner circles. This is big.
  • Saturday– Banks and online payment systems will suffer an outage in Europe and the United States spreading worldwide. Talks of a Liquidity and credit crisis happening will spread rapidly.
  • Sunday– Customers will try to get money from banks but will be turned away. Talks of bank runs on twitter and Facebook will be promptly banned. Late-Sunday night Euro-zone banks will suffer a liquidity issue and fail critical margin levels.
  • Monday 26th– Liquidity crisis contagion will spread to the United States. Financial instruments much like those used by Archegos will blow up across the entire financial sector. Bank of America, JP Morgan, and Goldman Sachs are rumoured to be insolvent along with others. The Super Rich will attempt to pull their money out of the banks only to be denied. Stock market will drop 20% and is closed for the day. Tether and other stable coins will fail causing crypto currencies to crash as they become illiquid. Short-Mid term is that crypto currencies will become worthless.
  • Tuesday– Eurozone total melt down. Bank deposits are bailed and most people will lose all their money. Social protests erupt. U.S. stock market will drop another 20% before being halted for the day again. Hedge funds will collapse and banks are stuck with meme stock shorts which will be revealed to be in the trillions. Banks fail critical margin levels and the DTCC will be forced to cover the shorts. DTCC insurance policy will fail as the insurers never had money to begin with and the Federal Reserve is stuck with the bag.
  • Wednesday– Stock market will drop another 20% before getting stopped. Subprime finally hits and housing prices crash by 50% and more. Meme stock, silver, gold, commodity trading is frozen and halted but this will only make the problem worse. Dollar insolvency is all over international news, while silver and gold skyrocket. U.S bonds will be dumped sending interest rates into the stratosphere. Mainstream media will now blare the Great Depression 2.0 and the collapse is here.
  • Thursday-U.S. government will begin to collapse and pressure on the current Admin to resign. Stock market will drop even more for a total of 85-96% since the crash on Monday. Grocery stores will now be empty as supply chains completely break down. Rumours of a coup against the U.S. government will begin to pick up on social media and gain public approval. Massive protests against the government, wallstreet, and the banks will erupt. Police will be deployed and attempt to brutally suppress the protests but they will be unsuccessful.
  • Friday– Voter fraud data is going to be dumped on the internet and this will add fuel to the fire. Reveals stolen elections going back 40 years. Government figures will go into hiding. Meme stock and silver/commodities shorts issue reaches international media and heads of state will demand answers from the U.S. because they too are exposed through weird financial instruments. BRICS will pick up steam to replace the dollar then and now. Dollar is declared non-grata in many countries in the world with legislation fast tracked to convert dollar denominated debt to other fiat to prevent a total credit freeze.

Fri. 2 Aug. Global Financial Crisis…Gitmo TV on Telegram:

  • Inside sources say BITCOIN will RISEbefore the [CRASH] then bust…. The ripple effect will be felt from country to country.. as China Stocks and companies reach into all nations.
  • THE CRASH IS IMMINENTAND TAKEN PLACE. Effects of food shortage.. INFLATION.. RISING GAS PRICES is evident and happening and GROWING.
  • When the CRASH happensBanks will not move money.
  • Transactions will freezeand electric companies cannot pay for natural resources such as coal.. And delivery companies will be at a stand still. This leads to closed markets. Stores closing and HUNGER.
  • MANY EVENTSare taking place.
Judy Byington - Saturday. 03 August. 2024 - Dinar Detectives - Iraqi Dinar Recaps from Dinar Guru and Intel (2024)
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Name: Trent Wehner

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Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.